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Singapore Maritime Community Steps Up Fight Against Covid-19




Singapore Maritime Community Steps Up Fight Against Covid-19


Since the introduction of the vaccines against Covid-19, shore-based personnel attending to our vessels at port have been required to under vaccination. These personnel are in the front line and play an essential role in contributing to the seamless movement of our supply chains.

The recent case of shore-based personnel being found to have Covid-19 in November and December of 2019, had seen the MPA move quickly to release a series of measures to mitigate the risks to their immediate family members as well as those onboard vessels with whom they may meet. The MPA introduced new requirements to ensure the safety of shore-based personnel to provide proof of negative result from Covid-19 PCR test prior to boarding vessels at anchorages, piers, marinas, terminals, wharves, and shipyards in Singapore.

MSI Ship Management have been closely monitoring the situation and is working closely with MPA. Our shore-based personnel had undergone the Swab tests as well as under the rostered routing testing (RRT). In addition, we have ensured that our staff had commence undergone the vaccinations which have been prioritized for front line maritime personnel.

The port of Singapore remains to be a strategic and critical lifeline for the Singapore economy and its people, and more importantly for the maritime community. Let us work together to ensure constant vigilance and proactive action to mitigate any risks decisively and safeguard the health and safety of our workers and family.