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Diamond Indah – Winners of MSI Best Practice Campaign Award 2021

Winner of MSI Best Practice Campaign Award 2021

Diamond Indah – Winners of MSI Best Practice Campaign Award 2021

Over capacities in the market are driving charter rates down. Ship owners face higher costs to finance vessels. Ship operators fight for cargo and drive down their main cost block, which is fuel. Ship managers sit in the middle and have to look after more and more for the same management fees to gain owners management contracts. At the same time lie the requirements on availability of the vessels. Quality and safety of operations, management and treatment of crew and transparency of costs spend are increasing.

We all have our Standard Operating Procedures to follow. However we need to have other approaches, practices, business models or tools to be able to conduct our business in a smarter, safer and greener way to be more competitive.

In the last quarter of 2020 we initiated a campaign on Best Practices being following on board. We were pleasantly surprised with some of the innovative best practices being followed on board some of our fleet ships.

While evaluating the Best Practices, we have concentrated only on the ones that are over and above what our procedures require. After much deliberation, we decided to give the award to: Diamond Indah

The ship will be presented with the plaque as seen in image below.

We will, in due course, circulate a list of good best practices which can be adopted across the fleet.

In the mean time, our heartiest congratulations to the master and Staff on board the Diamond Indah.

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