MSI Seafarer’s Conference 2020
“In the middle of adversity there is great opportunity”
Covid 19 paved the way for our first multinational Conference hosted online on 21st and 22nd December.
Over 200 Delegates from Dubai, India, Singapore, Indonesia, China, and the Philippines came together at this meet.
The Theme of the Conference was “Partners in Safety in a Disrupted World.”
While the regular performance updates and lessons learned were presented, this year, we focused on wellbeing. Topics such as “Resilience and Wellbeing at Sea” and “mindfulness” was presented by recognized experts. We even had a 30-minute session of guided meditation.
Class Societies provided updates on the upcoming IMO Cyber Security regulation. Another critical but often neglected area in today’s hectic shipping world is Mentoring. Seafarers over generations have always been trained in this manner. A talk on this topic gave everyone – especially seniors – good food for thought.
We know that this Conference was a resounding success from the feedback received, and we will have many more of these in 2021!