Rebranding MSI Ship Management as IMC Ship Management
We have exciting and noteworthy news to share relating to the evolution of our company. We are pleased to announce that MSI Shipmanagement has rebranded as IMC Shipmanagement.
This name change effectively integrates us with our parent IMC brand, allowing us to present our offerings and solutions in a better and broader way and to forge synergies with our fellow IMC Shipping business units, boosting our reputation as a trusted, reliable, and complete maritime solutions provider.
We have a new brand identity, a new head office, and a renewed sense of focus and purpose. We will continue to work towards our goal of being a globally preferred ship manager – driving innovation, investing in technology, and developing our people to ensure we deliver high-quality and reliable services to create value for you and your assets.
Our new brand is reflected in our new logo and new email addresses. On the operations front, it is business as usual, with no change to the team structure, ship support and ship allocation.