Home > News > MSI Seafarer’s Conference 2020

MSI Seafarer’s Conference 2020

MSI Seafarer Conference 2020

MSI Seafarer’s Conference 2020

“In the middle of adversity there is great opportunity”

Covid 19 paved the way for our first multinational Conference hosted online on 21st and 22nd December.

Over 200 Delegates from Dubai, India, Singapore, Indonesia, China, and the Philippines came together at this meet.

The Theme of the Conference was “Partners in Safety in a Disrupted World.”

While the regular performance updates and lessons learned were presented, this year, we focused on wellbeing. Topics such as “Resilience and Wellbeing at Sea” and “mindfulness” was presented by recognized experts. We even had a 30-minute session of guided meditation.

Class Societies provided updates on the upcoming IMO Cyber Security regulation. Another critical but often neglected area in today’s hectic shipping world is Mentoring. Seafarers over generations have always been trained in this manner. A talk on this topic gave everyone – especially seniors – good food for thought.

We know that this Conference was a resounding success from the feedback received, and we will have many more of these in 2021!

Home > News > MSI Best Ship Of the Year 2020

MSI Best Ship Of the Year 2020

Best Ship Award 2020

MSI Best Ship Of the Year 2020

We had initiated the “Best Ship of the Year” Awards in 2019 with one Award each going to a dry and wet ship in the MSI fleet. This year, the “Best Ship of the Year 2020” goes to:

M A R I T I M E K E L L Y A N N E and H A P P Y H E L E N A

While last year were guided by our Mission Statement, this year, we simply cannot ignore the massive disruption that the Covid crisis has brought along. Hence, this year, our slogan has been -

“Partners in Safety in a Disrupted World”

A committee was set up within MSI consisting of Senior Management, Technical, Operation, and HSSQE staff. Data for 2020 in the following categories were used as measuring tools to help us decide on the “Best Ship of the Year”:

1. Personal Injury Cases (LTIF)

2. Non Injury Cases (eg. Navigational incidents. machinery failures, fire, spills, security incidents)

3. PSC Inspections and Detentions

4. Unscheduled Off Hire and claims

5. Vetting or RightShip Inspections– Vessels individual Performance based on inspection Risk Rating.

6. Vessel rejections by Oil Major leading to Loss of business

7. Overdue PMS

8. Compliance with MESPAS Reporting

9. Ship General Appearance – age of ship taken into account and

10. Quality of Near Miss reports submitted

We at MSI would like to congratulate all the Masters and Crew on board these two above mentioned ship, past, and present who have worked hard to make this possible.

We salute you seafarers, who have poured in their heart and soul into their work, accepting the extreme challenges that Covid19 presented and yet came out on top keeping everyone safe, not only from accidents but from Covid infection too.


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Home > News > Award for Outstanding Performance from MPA

Award for Outstanding Performance from MPA


MSI have receives the Award for Outstanding Performance in Search & Rescue Operations 2019 in the International Safety @ Sea Awards 2020, from the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA)

Dear Ladies & Gentlemen,

We are delighted to announce that MSI has received an award for Outstanding Performance in Search & Rescue Operations 2019 from the Maritime Port Authority of Singapore (MPA).

The cases included in the submission were the rescue of the French explorer, Jean-Jacques Savin, by the Maritime Kelly Anne, and the rescue of 8 seafarers by the Maritime Gisela from the Jehovah Christ. This year had a record number of nominations, and as winners, MSI are in an elite group of companies to hold this accolade.

It demonstrates the dedication and professionalism of our sea staff and shore management in ensuring safety at sea not only for our own personnel, but to the wider seafaring community across the world. This category is perhaps the most prestigious of the awards to be given, as it involves a direct intervention to save lives; without the competent and effective performance of our staff, many people would not have been able to return home to their families and loved ones.

On behalf on the management, we would like to thank all of you that were involved in these operations, particularly to the crews of the Maritime Kelly Anne & Maritime Gisela, and can assure you we feel proud to have you in our organisation.
