Home > News > MSI Update on COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019) – 19-Feb-2020

MSI Update on COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019) – 19-Feb-2020


MSI Update on COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019) - 19-Feb-2020

Our Business Continuity Plan ensures that operations remain viable during the Covid-19 situation in Singapore and provides a safe working environment minimising health risk to our colleagues in the office.

For our Fleet, we have a detailed Covid-19 Plan that outlines all information presently available including precautions, resources and emergency protocols to be initiated in case of an outbreak on board. We are in constant communication with our medical partners to remain up to date with latest developments to ensure that this is information is disseminated to the vessels.

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Home > News > Evasive Actions Thwart Potential Piracy Attack in the Gulf of Aden

Evasive Actions Thwart Potential Piracy Attack in the Gulf of Aden


Evasive Actions Thwart Potential Piracy Attack in the Gulf of Aden

One of our chemical tankers recently had a close encounter with suspicious skiffs in the vicinity of Bab El Mandap, near Djibouti and Yemeni waters.

The vessel was on a loaded passage from Yanbu, Saudi Arabia to Singapore, when the watch keeper on duty observed fast approaching skiffs coming at the vessel from the port aft quarter.

On initiation of the alarm, both the crew and the armed escort guards mustered to instigate the response measures according to our standard operating procedures (SOP’s) in this scenario. MSI Management in Singapore, UKMTO and CMF151, a Japanese warship in the area, were immediately notified of the situation.

At this time, a total of 7 skiffs, with 4 to 5 people on board, continued to approach the vessel and closed to 0.62 Nautical miles.

As per SOP’s, the vessel had increased engine speed to max RPM. The vessel foghorn was sounded to draw attention of the skiffs to the visibly placed armed guard, and their weapons, in a measured attempt to dissuade them from further approach. Although no weapons were observed by the vessel on the skiffs, they could make out ladders on each of them which is a strong indication of their intention to board and they continued to run parallel to the vessel for more 15 minutes.

At this point, a helicopter arrived from the Japanese Warship CMF151. Its appearance was enough to convince the skiffs to alter their course parallel to the vessel and return, presumably to their mother ship.

The crew and guards worked well as a team, and their conduct was decisive. This was key to effectively implementing our SOP’s, providing a satisfactory outcome to the situation with no shots fired. It is also reassuring that the international military presence in the region is proving an effective force in the defence against marine piracy.

We always like to remind all crew to remain vigilant especially when transiting high-risk areas in the Gulf of Aden, West Africa and Malacca Straits and maintain strict compliance with safety and security protocols in accordance to the Ship Security Plan and ISPS requirements.

Home > News > MSI Update on Novel Corona Virus (nCoV)

MSI Update on Novel Corona Virus (nCoV)


MSI Update on Novel Corona Virus (nCoV)

MSI Update on Novel Corona Virus (nCoV) - 04-Feb-2020 At MSI, we have been closely monitoring the pandemic outbreak and are fully committed to combating this deadly disease to protect our staff on board and ashore, and contribute to the community by acting responsibly.

For our offices and fleet we had taken the following actions :

• Office closure and placing staff with recent visits to China to work remotely from home during the quarantine period.
• Staff kept up to date with latest news developments.
• Ceasing non-essential travel to all afflicted areas.
• Ceasing all crew changes in China.
• Stocking and supplying sufficient surgical masks to for our shore based staff and seafarers.
• Restricting provision supplies (excluding all meat products) from China.
• Fresh Water to be treated if supplied from China.
• Hand sanitizers and contactless thermometers provided to all offices and vessels.
• Displaying posters providing information to take necessary precautionary measures to mitigate risk of contracting the nCoV virus.
• Temperature checks on external parties visiting vessels.
• Access into accommodation will be sealed off for shore stevedores, for whom masks should be donned at all times.

Our prayers are with the victims of this epidemic and we hope this this will be over soon !

Home > News > MSI Ship Management Ushers in the Year of the Rat With a Lion Dance Performance

MSI Ship Management Ushers in the Year of the Rat With a Lion Dance Performance


MSI Ship Management Ushers in the Year of the Rat With a Lion Dance Performance

Staff at MSI Ship Management Office were treated today with a wonderful performance of the traditional Lion Dance performance at our office premises.

Both lions prowled and covered the entire office today, to provide an auspicious start to the Lunar New Year with several oranges devoured.

We certainly look forward to a very successful year 2020.

We would like to wish all our staff a Happy Lunar New Year and with it, good health, prosperity and happiness for 2020 and for the many years to come.

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