Home > News > MSI Seafarer Conference- Mumbai 2-4 Oct 2019

MSI Seafarer Conference- Mumbai 2-4 Oct 2019

MSI Seafarer Conference- Mumbai 2-4 Oct 2019

MSI was proud to organize the recent Seafarer Conference which was held in Mumbai from 2nd to 4th October 2019. The theme of this year’s conference was – “Back to Basics”.

The event was well-attended by more than 50 officers from our fleets as well as representatives from our other business units including Capt Erol D’Monty and Ms Fathin from Aurora Tankers. The occasion was graced by Mr Frederik Guttormsen, Senior Director, IMC Industrial Group Shipping who discussed the shipping industry trends and IMC’s strategic plans.

The 3 days conference covered topics ranging from Ballast Water Management, Global Sulphur Cap 2020 to Emotional Quotient – Resilience and Communications, which were presented by eminent external speakers and psychologist. Senior Managers from MSI also shared their valuable knowledge from maritime cases.

The seminar was inaugurated by Capt Sanjay Ramnathan, Head of MSI who elaborated the theme saying “safety has to go beyond slogans and posters”.

The event was well-received with positive responses from attendees who felt such events were informative and would provide greater awareness into increasing workplace safety and compliance. It was also a great opportunity for the office staff to interact which the ship’s staff in an informal environment.

Home > News > MSI Participation in the 9th Mare Forum in Jakarta 17th Sept 2019

MSI Participation in the 9th Mare Forum in Jakarta 17th Sept 2019


MSI Participation in the 9th Mare Forum in Jakarta (17th Sept 2019)

MSI participated in the 9th Mare Forum Indonesia which was held on the 17th September 2019 in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Mare Forum provides a common arena for Indonesia’s maritime leaders and a wide range of industry players from venture capitalists, vessel owners/operators, government entities, trading & brokerage companies, financial institutions to participate in discussions and debate the growth of Indonesian shipping, national and foreign investments and its impact on a regional and global scale.

The Mare Forum also provided MSI an opportunity to engage with local shipowners and members of the local shipping community in brainstorming sessions and network providing a positive sharing experience as well to explore opportunities to work together.

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Home > News > MSI Ship Management Proud to be Finalists in the 2019 Safety at Sea Awards

MSI Ship Management Proud to be Finalists in the 2019 Safety at Sea Awards

MSI Ship Management Proud to be Finalists in the 2019 Safety at Sea Awards

MSI Ship Management is proud to announce its nomination as one of the Finalists under the Category of Maritime Employer of the Year, at the Annual Safety at Sea Awards that was held in London, UK, on 10th of September 2019.
