Get to Know Us
We provide a diversified range of services in Maritime Asset Management and ancillary solutions.
Our team of professionals are focused on delivering high quality services to our customers.

Operational Excellence
We believe that only through continuous improvement can we stay on our trajectory leading to operational excellence.
Fleet Profile
IMC Ship Management manages a diversified fleet of vessels that include Bulk carriers, Oil/ chemical tankers and Multi-Purpose vessels.

IMC Ship Management Pte Ltd
3 Anson Road #06-01 Springleaf Tower Singapore 079909,
Tel: +65 6336 2233
Fax: +65 6223 4293
IMC Ship Management (Shanghai) Co Ltd
Room 1003, the 6th of China Oversea Building,
No. 76 Yanji Road, Shibei District
Qingdao City, China
Tel: +86 532 6677 3966
Qingdao International Maritime Service Co Ltd (Inmarsco)
Room 1002, the 6th of China Oversea Building,
No. 76 Yanji Road, Shibei District
Qingdao City, China
Tel: +86 532 6699 0857/0768
MSI Shipping Services India Pvt Ltd. – Mumbai (Main)
Remi Bizcourt, “C” Wing, C-704 7th Floor,
Plot No.9, Shah Industrial Estate,
Off Veera Desai Road, Andheri (W),
Mumbai 400053, India.
Tel: +91 22 4237 8000 – 8009
MSI Shipping Services India Pvt Ltd. – New Delhi (Branch)
B-217 & 218 Somdatt Chamber-1,
5 Bhikaji Cama Place,
New Delhi 110066, India.
Tel: +91 11 4306 0000/2618 1985
Döhle Seafront Crewing (Manila), Inc.
3F DÖHLE HAUS MANILA | 30-38 Sen. Gil. Puyat Avenue,
Brgy. San Isidro, Makati City,
Tel: +63 2 87058411
IMC Ship Management Representative Office
702, FM Shinbashi Building
4-24-31, Shinbashi, Minato-ku
Tokyo 1050004, Japan
Tel: +81 3 6684 8883/+81 90 9825 5013